Adding EMDECS to your Bookmarks

To prevent inactive sessions from running in the background, you may need to correct your Browser Bookmark.

When it comes to bookmarking a site, most of us simply use the icon in our address bar. When doing this to a website that you've never visited before, it causes the sign-in page itself to be the item that is bookmarked, instead of the Landing page as you desired. This is easily remedied by altering your saved bookmark. 

What part of the Bookmark to Delete

The struck-out part of the URL is what needs to be removed to prevent being routed to the Login page when using the Bookmark


To correct a bookmark in Chrome, select the Blue Star icon in the address bar
Select More to be able to see the website address being saved. The popup will change to display the URL
Using your cursor, Highlight the part of the address that specifies the log in page
Press Backspace on your keyboard to remove the extra pieces, then press Save to keep the changes
Now when you select the bookmark, instead of taking you to the login page, it will take you into the Landing Page
*Only if tab is reopened during Active Session. System Idle timer may require you to log back in*
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To correct a bookmark in Edge, select the White Star icon in the address bar
Select More to be able to see the website address being saved. The popup will change to display the URL.
Highlight the extra pieces and press Backspace on your keyboard to remove them
press Save to keep the changes
Now when you select the bookmark, instead of taking you to the login page, it will take you into the Landing Page
*Only if tab is reopened during Active Session. System Idle timer may require you to log back in*
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To correct a bookmark in Firefox, select the Blue Star icon in the address bar
Press Save.
Once the Pop-up disappears, select the 3 lines on the right
Right Click on the bookmark in the List and select Edit Bookmark
A Pop-up will open behind the menu. Click on the Pop-up to have the menu disappear
Highlight the part of the URL that needs to be removed, then press Backspace on your keyboard
When the URL appears correctly, Press Save 
Now when you select the bookmark, instead of taking you to the login page, it will take you into the Landing Page
*Only if tab is reopened during Active Session. System Idle timer may require you to log back in*
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