Change Costing Methods in Bulk

Save time by changing your costing method in bulk

In EMDECS, we have the option to change costing methods in bulk.
For more information on Costing Methods, see here: Costing Methods
Parts Menu > Parts Master > Under Things To Do on the left hand pane is a link to Change Costing Method in Bulk
Using the filters at the top of the screen, you can select From and To part numbers to generate an alphabetic listing of parts.  You can also narrow down your results by product group or markup group.  There are also radio buttons for selecting active parts and stock parts.  If you leave all the fields blank, the system will generate a list of all of your parts.  Once you have selected your search criteria, click the Refresh button.  This will generate a list of parts to be updated.  To perform the bulk change, select a New Costing Method from the drop-down list and click Apply and then Close .