Corporate Default Screen in EMDECS


To change what a specific user sees, please refer to our User Defaults document!

Corporate Defaults in EMDECS are the primary control point and/or safety net for much of the EMDECS system functionality. Setting corporate defaults can control things such as your default Warehouse or Repair Location when accessing any given screen, default currency, the unit owner for your corporation, and many other settings that will be outlined in the article below. 

Accessing the Corporate Defaults Screen

The Corporate Default screen is accessed by navigating to Administration -> Corporate Setup Manager -> Corporate Defaults

Please note -  Any modifications to this area of the system can cause issues or errors for your users so please be mindful when making any changes to the screen displayed below.

If you are unable to see the Corporate Defaults tab due to screen size, please first select the double arrows in the bottom right corner (>>) and select Corporate Defaults
Once you have navigated to the Corporate Defaults screen, you should be able to view your current parameter settings that were either applied during your implementation process, or by users in your system at a later point.

Corporate Default Screen - Fields and Values

The Corporate Defaults screen controls defaults across the system. Below is a breakdown of the screen and fields/values displayed
Field Name - These are codes which are used for various settings across the system. These codes are not user defined
Description - Descriptions explain what the code in the Field Name is, for example CUR_CODE has the description of Currency Code 
Default Value - The Default Value is user-defined in most cases. This value ties to various setups across the system
  1. E.x You may wish to create a Repair Location with a Code/Name of 'MAINE' that needs to be the default location users see when accessing EMDECS. You'd first create the location, then set the FAC_CODE field to 'MAINE'. If you do not do the Location Setup first, the code will not be available as a value on the Corporate Defaults screen
Note: A code can only be added once. If it is already on the list of set parameters you cannot add it again however you may change the current value
Value Breakdown:
In the format of Code (Description)
BIN_NUMBER (Default Bin Number for Warehouse Item Location)
CORDIV_CODE (Division Code)
CORLOC_CODE(Corporate Location CODE)
COU_CODE (Country Code)
CS_FAC_CODE (Facility Code for Counter Sales)
CUR_CODE (Currency Code)
CUS_CODE (Customer Code)
DEPBOO_CODE(Depreciation Book)
EQUIPMENT_NUMBER(Equipment Number)
FAC_CODE (Facility Code)
FAC_SUPMISCINV_CODE(Facility Supplier Misc. Invoice Code)
FACTYP_CODE (Default value for Facility Type)
GL_ACCOUNT_TAX (Default Tax - Peachtree)
GL_PAY_ACCOUNT (Payment GL Account Number)
GL_REC_ACCOUNT (Receipt GL Account Number)
ITEACCGRO_CODE (Item Account Group)
ITEMARGRO_CODE (Default Item Markup Group when creating parts)
INVCLA_CODE (Default Inventory Class when creating parts)
INVLIN_CODE (Default Inventory Line when creating parts)
ITEMASSERC_CODE (Tire Conditions)
LABSHI_CODE (Labor Shift)
LOCZON_CODE (Location Zone Code)
MI_CUS_CODE (Customer code for misc. customer invoice only)
MOBDEV_CODE (Corporate Server Name for mobile applications)
MOBILE_USER (Mobile User)">MOBILE_USER(Mobile User)
PARFAI_CODE (Part Failure)
PROGRO_CODE (Default Product Group when creating parts)
PROSTA_CODE (Province States)
READING_TYPE (Reading Type)
RO_PART_REQUIRED (Repair Order Part is Required)
SA_CUS_CODE (Service Access Customer Code)
SERREA_CODE (Activity Reason)
SCRSIZ_CODE (Maximum screen size use for calculate popup window size)
SHOP_SUPPLY (Shop Supply Item code(Ultra-lite))
SUP_CODE (Supplier Code)
SURCHARGE_CODE (Surcharge Code)
TIRDISREA_CODE (Tire Dismount Reasons)
TIRE_PRODUCT_GROUP_CAT_CODE (Product Group Categories for Tires)
TIRE_PRODUCT_GROUP_TRADE_CODE ( Product Group defines tire for Trade IN/Trade OUT)
UOMCOD_UNIT (Unit of Measure)
VMR_ASM (VMRS Assembly(Ultra-lite only)
VMR_SYS (VMRS System (Ultra-lite only))
WAR_CODE (Warehouse Code)
WOACCGRO_CODE (Work Order Account Group)
WOTAS_CODE (Activity Task)
WOTIMSHEC_CODE (Time Sheet Charge Code)
gl_rec_account (ACCOUNT_NUMBER)

Setting a Corporate Default

To set a corporate default, use the +Add button on the right-hand side of the screen
Lets add the FAC_CODE (Facility Code or 'Repair Location' Code) value to our corporation! First select +Add and choose the FAC_CODE option from the dropdown
Choose a FAC_CODE value, the values available come from the Administration -> Corporate Setup Manager -> Repair Locations tab
Use the Magnifying Glass and Search without any options selected to receive a list of all setup options available!
We'll be setting this to SHOP as displayed below. Select Save / Exit once done
This should now take affect for users upon their next login! For example, when my user signs in their default location is now 'SHOP'

Changing an Existing Corporate Default

To change an existing Corporate Default, select the Field Name hyperlink and change the Default Value.
In the previous example, we set the FAC_CODE to SHOP, however, we would now like our users by default to sign into the 'Montreal' location.
Once you have completed your change, select Save / Exit to finalize the change.
Upon the next login of your user, the system will display 'Montreal' as the default location users see when they sign in
Please reach out to our support team at for any questions that you might have