Video Walkthrough
Counter Sale Manager
If you don't already have that customer in EMDECS, you can create one on the fly by clicking on the + New button.
This will open up a pop-up where you can add all the information for your new customer. Once you're finished adding all the information, click on OK.
You also have the option to click on the magnifying glass which will show you your list of parts. You can scroll through this list or use any of the advanced search options at the top of the screen.
Repeat these steps to add additional parts to the counter sale.
9. Once you've added all your parts to the counter sale, you can adjust theOrder Quantity,Charge Quantity, and Charge. Select the text field and type in the appropriate values.10. At the bottom of the screen there are multiple buttons. Here is an overview of what each one does.
A PDF of the counter sale invoice will pop up in a new window.
Counter Sale History
You have the option to Delete Invoice, print the Pick List, Reprint the counter sale, or Copy the counter sale.
4. Another way to viewCounter Sale Historyis in the Details tab.The Details tab will show the Part Numbers that were sold and their respective counter sales.
5. You can click on the Show Advanced Searchbutton to search based onInvoice #, Sale #, Customer PO #, or Internal PO #.Retail Parts
Note: Click on the Pricing or Stock Availability hyperlinks under the Part Numbers to view additional pricing and stock information.