Counter Sale Manager

Counter sales are used to sell parts to your customers outside of a repair order.  This article will provide an overview of the Counter Sale Manager in EMDECS.

Video Walkthrough


Counter Sale Manager

1. Open the Parts menu and select Counter Sale Manager.
2. The first screen that is displayed is the To be Invoiced screen. This screen shows any open counter sales which are yet to be invoiced.
EMDECS automatically shows the default Location counter sales. You can change the Location by clicking on the magnifying glass to select a new one. Or you can type in the Location name in the text field and choose it from the drop down list.
3. To add a new counter sale, click on Add New Counter Sale in the top right corner.
4. In the pop-up, select a Location and Customer.

If you don't already have that customer in EMDECS, you can create one on the fly by clicking on the + New button.

This will open up a pop-up where you can add all the information for your new customer. Once you're finished adding all the information, click on OK.

Once you've selected the Location and Customer the Counter Sale screen will pop-up.
5. The top pane of the screen displays general information such as LocationSale #Sale DateShip From and To, and Reference Numbers. You can add these as necessary.
On the right-hand side, there is a summary of charges.
Note: If the parts are being shipped to an alternate address, click on the "Add New" hyperlink to create a ship to address that is different from the customer's address.
Select on the location you're shipping from or shipping to then click on Save/Exit.
6. To add a Surcharge, click on the Surcharges hyperlink.
Click on the green plus for the appropriate surcharge you want to add.
EMDECS will automatically calculate the Percentage, but if you want to do a Flat Rate surcharge, check the Flat Rate check box and add in the amount. Click OK when you are finished.
7. To adjust taxes select the Taxes hyperlink. You can add and override any taxes in this screen. Click OK when finished.
8. To add parts to the counter sale, enter a Part Number or Part Description in the Part Number field, then click on the matching search result.
An on-hand summary is displayed on the right hand side for reference.
You can then adjust the quantity as needed and click Add Part.

You also have the option to click on the magnifying glass which will show you your list of parts. You can scroll through this list or use any of the advanced search options at the top of the screen.


Repeat these steps to add additional parts to the counter sale.

9. Once you've added all your parts to the counter sale, you can adjust theOrder Quantity,Charge Quantity, and Charge. Select the text field and type in the appropriate values.

10. At the bottom of the screen there are multiple buttons. Here is an overview of what each one does.

Void - The Counter sale will be removed from the To be Invoiced tab and moved to the History tab under the Voided filter
Save/Exit - The Counter Sale will remain in the To be Invoiced tab and you can come back to it at a later date to invoice it
Pick List - This will open up a PDF that displays all the part #'s, locations and warehouses that you need to collect for the Counter Sale
Estimate - At any time, you can click on the Estimate button  to print a PDF of an estimate to provide to your customer prior to invoicing.
Copy - A copy of the current counter sale will be created. Click on View New Counter Sale to open the newly copied Counter Sale
12. Once you're ready to invoice the counter sale, you can select the Invoice Date by clicking on the calendar icon, then clicking on the Invoice button.

A PDF of the counter sale invoice will pop up in a new window.

Counter Sale History

1. To view the Counter Sale History click on the History tab. 


2. At the top of the screen, you have multiple options to filter the Counter Sale History such as Location, Customer, part #, Date etc.
Click on Refresh to show a Summary of the counter sale details based on the filters you select.
3. Select the Counter SaleInvoice Numberhyperlink to open up the counter sale and view the details.

You have the option to Delete Invoice, print the Pick ListReprint the counter sale, or Copy the counter sale.

4. Another way to viewCounter Sale Historyis in the Details tab.

The Details tab will show the Part Numbers that were sold and their respective counter sales.

5. You can click on the Show Advanced Searchbutton to search based onInvoice #Sale #Customer PO #, or Internal PO #

Retail Parts

It is also possible to create a Counter Sale using the Retail Parts tab.
1. Search for yourPart Number, adjust theQuantity, and then click on the Add button. The parts will then be added to the right side of the screen.
2. Once you are finished adding parts, click on theCreate Invoicebutton. 


Note: Click on the Pricing or Stock Availability hyperlinks under the Part Numbers to view additional pricing and stock information.

3. You will then be prompted to select a Location and Customer for the counter sale. Click on the + New button to create a new Customer on the fly.
4. The Counter Sale Screen will appear just like before, where you can make any adjustments, print Estimates, Invoice the counter sale etc.