Create a Non-Repair Bill (Video)

Non-repair bills are used to invoice­ customers for non-repair services, such as a towing fee. This article and video provide a walkthrough of how to create and invoice a non-repair bill in EMDECS.

Video Walkthrough

Step-by-Step Walkthrough

Non-repair bills can be created from the Complete RO screen.   Complete the following steps to create a non-repair bill:
  1.   To access Complete RO, open the  Service menu and select  Complete RO .
  2. Click on the  Non Repair Bill  link.
  3. By default, the current date is displayed.  To change the invoice date, click on the calendar icon and select a different date from the calendar pop-up window.
  4. Type the customer name into the  Customer  field.  EMDECS will search automatically and display a list of matching customers in a drop-down list.  Select the customer for the non repair bill.
  5. Click  Add  next to the revenue account you want to use on the right hand side, edit the description and notes, then adjust the quantity and unit charge.
  6. To finalize the non-repair bill, click on  Invoice .  The invoice will print in PDF format in a pop-up window.