Creating Multiple Invoice Copies

Creating Multiple Invoice Copies

EMDECS has the capability to set multiple invoice copies for any given invoice type throughout the system. This feature is useful in scenarios where you do not wish to re-print the same invoice multiple times to give out to customers and different departments  within your business.

How to set up Multiple Invoice Copies

Invoice Copies can be set up by navigating to Administration -> Corporate Setup Manager -> Invoice Setup -> 'Copies'
Please note that prior to setting up your copies, you should already have your Invoice Format set up under the Formats tab for the Invoice Type you wish to use (E.x Set up your Work Order Invoice before setting up your multiple Work Order Invoice Copies)
On the Copies tab, select the +Add button to create a new record
The Sequence will by the order that the copy prints out on the PDF Invoice. A sequence of 1 would be the first page of the printout and a sequence of 2 would begin after the last page of the first copy. Increase the sequence for each copy you would like to print
The Heading will display on the printed invoice in the top right. This is a user-defined field - you can title this however you wish
The Invoice Type will be the type of transaction you would like the multiple copies set to appear for. Common options set are the Work Order Invoice and Counter Sale Invoice types
In the example below, we have set an Office Copy, Customer Copy, and AP Copy
  1. The Office Copy will be printed and stored offline in the Office for historical purposes
  2. The Customer Copy will be sent to the customer
  3. The AP Copy will be provided to the Accounts Payable team
Once completed, Generating an Invoice will now provide multiple copies labelled using the Heading entered in the screen above
Office Copy begins on Page 1 as it is the first sequence listed
Followed by Customer Copy on Page 3
And finally the AP Copy on Page 5