Editing Unit Information

1. To manage unit go to  Fleet Unit Master. The Units tab is displayed when the Unit Master is first opened. This is where you can view and manage units in EMDECS.
2. Search for a Unit and click on the Unit Number hyperlink.
3. The first pop-up will be the At a Glance screen. This displays basic unit information such as OwnerUnit #Description, VIN #YearLicense #Next PM DueLast WO, and the Active checkbox. You are able to edit any information that has a clickable text field. 
If you make any changes to the Unit infomation make sure to click Save/Exit to save your changes.
Click on More Info to move to the rest of the unit settings.
4. The next pop-up is where all the Unit settings are listed. The top pane shows the units information.
5. The left hand side lists the Owner, Owner Code, Unit #Description, Active checkbox, and Status.
To deactivate a unit uncheck the Active checkbox.
6. To change the unit number click on the pencil icon. In the pop-up input the unit number change then click Change Unit #
7. The middle section displays the DOT Requirements such as VIN #Serial NumberYear, and Tire Size. You are able to edit any information that has a clickable text field. 
8. The right hand side displays the Make and Models. The options given are Truck/TrailerEngine, TransmissionRear Axle, and Body. Click the Select hyperlink to add a Make and Model for the unit.