Introduction to Fixed PM's
This document will primarily focus on how to use Fixed PMs as opposed to all the complex logic behind them. The purpose is to assist the Customer Experience Team with handling calls from UK customers regarding this functionality
With Fixed PMs, once a schedule is generated, it is fixed, meaning that the due dates of future maintenance appointments are not changed if a service is performed late or early (i.e. an oil change that is due every 3 months is fixed to be completed on March 31, then again on June 30, regardless of whether the oil change is done early on March 28). The PM schedules do not move automatically based on the last service date.
A regular PM Schedule is only going to broadcast the next job for your unit, this is because the system will calculate this based on when the last job was done, and compare that against your PM Schedule setup to identify what the next job is and when it is due. With a regular PM Schedule, the question "Can the system tell me the next 4 dates I need to complete a PM A on this unit?" would have an answer of "No" as we do not know when the last completed date of those PM Schedules would be currently.
A Fixed PM Schedule will broadcast a schedule for however many future months a customer decides that they would like to generate their schedule for. As stated above, Fixed PM Schedules do not care as to whether a job was last performed early or late. The customer indicates the starting point for the schedule, and the system will generate as many months in the future as required.
- DVSA Fixed PM Logic is slightly different, further information is found here: /
Identifying if a company/unit is set to use Fixed PM Logic
Companies following Fixed PM Logic can be identified by looking at the Global System Parameters and on an individual level by looking at the Fixed PM Flag in the unit master. The following two Global System Parameters should be set for any company using fixed PM Logic
Description: Any date prior to this date will be ignored during the PM calculation
Notes: Date needs to be in MM/DD/YYYY format and is expected to be in client time zone
Description: Type of PM Schedule
Notes: Allowed values: FIXED (only for date. Due dates do not shift based on last date) and STD
What this actually controls: This adds the "Fixed PM" tab to the bottom of the Fleet -> PM Inspections Manager menu path
Unit Master
Fixed PM Units will have this flag checked which will be visible in the unit master:
Initial PM Schedule Setup
To begin setting up our Fixed PM Schedules, we will create a customer, unit, and PM Group using the same process that our regular PM schedules follow. In the image below we can see that the following information has been entered:
- In-Service Date with a reading value, date, and reading type
- PM Group (If available, if not move to the next step and assign it to the unit afterwards)
We can now go ahead and create our PM Group Schedule for this customer. Navigate to Fleet -> PM Inspection Manager -> PM Schedule setup. Create a schedule for the unit and Build the group. In the example below I've added a very simple schedule
At this point, a standard unit would be ready for PM Schedules and their schedule would populate however for a Fixed PM Schedule, we need additional steps.
In the Example image below, we can see that following the above steps, the Fixed PM units schedule is blank while the Regular PM unit has data populated. This is the difference between the two sets of logic.
Generating the Fixed PM Schedule
As highlighted in the example above, a Fixed PM Schedule requires an additional step - Generating a schedule for the unit. This can be done as of 2021 thanks to:
Navigate to Fleet -> PM Inspection Manager -> Fixed PM
The search bar will search any of the columns on this screen, use it to search for your unit
Search for your unit and select "Generate Schedule". The window pictured below will appear allowing you to set your "Next Due / Reading". The system will take this value, it will then generate the schedule based on the "Interval" and the "Number of Months to Generate" starting on the "Next Due / Reading". Once the data has been entered, select Generate
Based on the image below, what is the next schedule for PM MOT?
I believe I may have identified a bug while testing, Fixed PM logic does not count months + days, it is either just months or just days for the interval field. This has been logged in FS-9685
The unit will now have a schedule populated we can see that the next schedule for PM MOT is 09/01/2022 which is 6 months from 09/07/2021
Changing the Fixed PM Schedule
Changing a units schedule can be done by selecting the same "Generate Schedule" button on the Fixed PM Screen
Number of Months to Generate: This field determines what period of time you are generating this schedule for. 60 months = Generate a schedule for the next 5 years
Remove All Historical Unused Schedules: Checking this option will remove unused schedules from a unit. This would also been known as an overdue PM as the schedule (the labour that was meant to be due on a specific date) was not completed (not used). This option will remove over due PM / Work Requried from a unit if this work came from the PM Schedule setup.
Next Due / Reading: This field will be the base of the schedule and determines when the schedule will begin. E.x for a date of 9/07/2021 for PM MOT, the system will:
Begin calculations for 09/07/2021, adding the interval (6 months) to repeat the schedule for the next 60 months
Setup Summary / Short Steps:
Creating a Unit/Owner
- Fleet -> Unit Master -> New Unit -> New Owner
- Create the Owner Code/Description
- Create a Unit
- Fill in the In-Service Date field
- Fill in the PM Group Field (Also available under Fleet -> PM Inspection Manager -> Maintenance Schedule Groups under "Things to Do"
Creating a PM Schedule
- Fleet -> PM Inspection Manager -> PM Schedule Setup
- In the top section, click "Add" and search your unit owner
- Select the required maintenance schedule group to set up
- Create your PM Schedule for that group. Once complete make sure to "Build" the group
Generating a Fixed PM Schedule
- Fleet -> PM Inspection Manager -> Fixed PM
- Search your unit using the search bar
- Select "Generate Schedule"
- Generate the schedule beginning on the Next Due date, for the duration of the Number of Months to generate
- If the unit previously had a schedule and has overdue work from that schedule, check "Remove all unused historical schedules"
Forms - Fixed PM Overview
Many European customers still use Gen 1 so I will provide a brief summary of how this is done in Forms
Creating a PM Schedule in Gen1
- Navigate to Repairs -> Customer Equipment -> Customer Maintenance Schedule
- Select your Customer using the "Belongs to" field
- Under the Maintenance Groups field, select a blank line and press "F9" to pull up a list of maintenance groups, select one
- Under "PM Service" add your first SYS and ASM codes, enter your interval
- For each PM Service, add your "Next Scheduled Service" by clicking "Add"
- F10 to Save, then "Build Group". Below is an example of the same test group we were using in Kona
Generating a Fixed PM Schedule in Gen1
- Navigate to Repairs -> Customer Equipment -> Fixed PM
- The top row can be used to filter results. For the unit you are looking for, enter the full or partial number into the "Unit #" field. You can also enter the owner to pull all units under that specific owner
- The fields here will match up with what is displayed on Kona
- Delete Unused Schedules from = Remove all Historic Schedules
- Months to generate is self explanatory
- "Next Due Date" is the default setting. Modify the "Due Date" field underneath to determine the starting day for the schedule
- Once complete, select "Generate Schedule"
- The generated schedule will appear in the "Generated Schedules" tab at the top