Inventory Adjustment

How to make inventory adjustments

Where is the Inventory Adjustment Screen?

The Inventory Adjustment screen is used to increase or decrease the number of a specific part you have on-hand for several custom reasons. Going to Parts > Inventory Adjustment you'll see the "Open Adjustments" screen.

Explaining the Open Adjustments Screen

The Open Adjustments screen is used to add new adjustments and make changes/finalize adjustments which haven't been finished. At the top of the screen we see several options to look at open adjustments based on specific parameters.
Warehouse: Adjustments are based on the on-hand of a part at a specific warehouse, Using this parameter will show you open adjustments at either all warehouses or the individual warehouse you've chosen.
Adjustment Type: Adjustment Types are custom and they're more for reference. Using this parameter can show you all parts adjusted for theft, weather damage etc. This is a good way to see how many parts were affected by a specific type of adjustment.
From & To Date: This controls the open adjustments you see based on the date they were created.
Include Voided Adjustments: Checking this will show you any adjustments you might have started but then voided, useful for historical reference.

You can open an existing adjustment by clicking on the Adjustment # in the first column

Creating a new adjustment
To start a new adjustment you'll want to press "Add New Adjustment" on the right side of the screen,
After pressing this you'll then be asked to select a warehouse and adjustment type, First we'll select Standard:

The adjustment type mentioned on the screen above is different than the adjustment type mentioned before. This is referring to the type of part you're going to make adjustments for.

Standard: Regular parts, they'll have no serial number so each unit of this part is not unique and adjustments affect the on-hand as a whole rather than affecting specific instances of the part

Serialized: Parts with a serial number besides tires. Adjustments on these parts will make you select the exact serial number of the part you're adjusting
Tires: Same logic as serialized parts but with tires specifically. Each instance of the tire has it's own serial number.

Adjust Parts Screen - Standard

On this screen we'll see several fields we can make changes too relating to the part adjustment,
Effective Date: This is the date the adjustment will be reflected on, this can be back-dated if need be but the system will not allow a future date to be entered.
Adjustment Type: This is the reference point which tells the system the reason for the adjustment. These options are custom but we do provide a few options from the start. More details on these further down.
Part #/Quantity: The specific part you want to make an adjustment to and the amount you're adjusting the on-hand of the part. When you enter a part and before you press Add Part you'll see the part description and current On Hand to the right of the add part button.
Notes: This is mainly for reference, the notes will be attached to the adjustment for future reference.
We'll want to choose an adjustment type, for this example we'll use "THEFT". We've added part BOLT1 with a quantity of 2.
From here we can continue adding more parts, we can save and come back to it later, or we can press "Adjust Inventory" to finalize the adjustment.

Keep in mind you can enter negative amounts when adjusting parts on this screen, This will tell the system there is a reduction of the current on-hand, while a positive is adding to the on-hand. For an example like theft above we'd actually want to do a negative amount, unless we stole the part ourselves.


Adjust Parts Screen - Serialized + Tires

As mentioned above we can also select the adjustment type "Serialized" or "Tires" when creating a new adjustment,
 This screen will look slightly different as we'll need to select the specific instance of the part or tire based on the serial number,
 Serialized Part #: This part search field only looks at serialized parts, it works the same as other search fields but only parts with serial numbers will appear.
Lost: As you don't enter the quantity on serialized parts this is how you decide which of the specific serial numbers/parts are being adjusted. If you leave this unchecked the part is not adjusted and the on-hand stays the same.

If you selected  "Tire" the only difference will be a column titled "Scrap", this is another way to reduce the on-hand of a tire based on the specific instance of the tire.

Keep in mind you aren't able to make positive adjustments to serialized parts as the serial number needs to exist prior to making the adjustment. You'll need to receive new on-hand of this part to add a serial number, you can then make adjustments if needed.

 Adjustment Types
On the left side of the screen under Things To Do you'll see "Adjustment Types". This is where we enter custom types of adjustments, these are mostly for reference so that you know exactly why a part's on-hand was adjusted.
From here we can create new adjustment types by pressing "Add Adjustment Types". This creates a blank line as seen in the image above, you'll need to enter a code and description for reference.

To remove an adjustment type you'll want to make it inactive by unchecking "Active". You can only delete them as they're being created, prior to pressing OK.


Inventory Adjustment History

This screen is used to reference past Inventory Adjustments, The parameters are identical to the open adjustments screen aside from the Adjustment # search field. This allows you to search for adjustments based on the adjustment number seen on the previous screen.


You can export this screen into an XLS document using the Export button. This is useful for reference if you're looking at past adjustments in bulk.