Managing Unit Readings

View Unit Readings 
1. Navigate to Fleet > Unit Master 
2. Next choose the appropriate Unit by clicking on the Unit Number hyperlink.
3. Click on More Info to open the Unit settings
4. Click on the Readings tab

Add a New Reading

1. Click on + Add Reading 
2. In the pop-up input the Recorded DateReading TypeUOM, and Value. Adding Notes is optional. When you are finsihed click Add.

Edit and Delete a Unit Reading

1. To edit an existing unit reading click on the Date hyperlink for that reading.
2. In the pop-up you can adjust as necessary and click Add to confirm the changes. You also have the option to use the Delete button, to delete the reading if required.
3. If you choose to delete a reading it is required to add a note. Click OK to confirm deletion.

Add a Max Per Day for a Unit

1. This is optional but you can add a Max Per Day for a unit.
Navigate to the Max Per Day tab and click on + Add Unit Daily Max 
2. In the pop-up choose your Reading TypeUOM, and Unit Daily Max then click Save/Exit.

Reset A Unit's Reading Meter

If you have a unit that has a new meter this article will show you how to reset the current meter.
To reset the reading meter for a Unit go to Fleet > Unit Master > Select Unit
Go to the Readings tab and click the Reset Reading button.
In the pop-up screen:
  1. Choose the Reading Type and UOM
  2. Enter the Current Reading of the new meter
  3. Enter the Life to Date Reading
    1. You can put the same value as the current reading if you don't want to account for the previous readings from the old meter
    2. You can input the previous meters last reading if you'd like to keep track of the Life to Date Accumulation of the Unit overall
  4. Choose the As of Date to make this reset effective
Click OK to confirm the reset of the meter.
In this example we reset the Odometer to 0 KM with the life to date accumulation as 0 KM.
Now any Repair Orders created after the Recorded Date will take into account the new current reading after reseting the meter.