This article provides and overview of the Part Master screen in EMDECS and how to modify part settings in EMDECS.
Video Walkthrough of Part Master
Walkthrough of the Part Master Screen
- To manage parts in EMDECS, open the Parts menu and select Part Master.
When the Part Master is first opened, the Parts Catalog tab is displayed. The Parts Catalog screen will only display a couple hundred results at a time. As you scroll down more results are loaded.
For each part, it's part number, description, manufacturer, VMRS code, product group, and preferred vendor are listed. You can also see if the part is active and print a barcode label by clicking on the printer icon (note, label printing requires Internet Explorer 11 and a connected direct thermal barcode label printer; our supported model is the Zebra ZD420).
The Non-Catalog Parts screen only lists parts that are not set as stock parts. You may add parts as non-stock if they need to be created on the fly for one time use but are not going to be stocked in your inventory for future use or included in any parts re-ordering. Non-catalog parts are not considered when generating part reorders.
There are three action buttons available:Add: This will move the part to your main parts catalog.Merge: Allow you to merged the part with another part.Ignore: Part is set to inactive. - Back on the main Parts Catalog tab, to locate a specific part, enter search terms in the Search field and click on the Refresh button. EMDECS will search for matches in the part number, description, manufacturer, VMRS, product group, and vendor fields. By default, the Include Inactive checkbox is selected. Uncheck Include Inactive to exclude inactive parts from the search results.
To view or make changes to existing part settings, click on the part number.
Part Settings Screen
A part settings screen will pop-up after clicking on any part number. The top pane contains the Part Number - Description settings. Here you can view and edit the part number, description, and default preferred vendor. This can be changed using the drop-down list. The following check boxes are available:
Active: Active parts can be issued on repair orders, sold in counter sales, received in EMDECS, et cetera. Parts cannot be deleted from EMDECS to ensure that part transaction history is always retained. Uncheck Active if a part number is no longer in use and is not in stock in any of your inventory warehouses.
Stock: Check this option if a part should be included in the Parts Catalog. Uncheck stock to move the part into the non-catalog parts list.
Auto Replenish: Check this option if the part should be included in automatic part re-orders. -
Settings Tab
Part settings are located under the Settings tab.There are several settings that can be viewed and modified using drop-down lists, including the product group, UOM (or unit of measure), markup group, warranty, manufacturer, and GL account group can be specified by selecting the appropriate option from the drop-down lists. The green plus signs next to a field can be clicked on to add a new option to the drop down list. To add new entries to lists, such as the product group, markup group, etc., click on the green plus signs.The following settings are available:
Product Group
UOM (Unit of Measure)
Markup Group
Core Part #
Inventory Line
Inventory Class
Count Cycle
GL Account Group
Weight & UOM for the entered weight
Add New Product GroupProduct Groups require a code and description with an optional notes field.
Add Item Markup GroupItem Markup Groups require a code and description.
Add Parts Warranty Code: Warranty Wizard
Adding a new parts warranty code opens the New Warranty Schedule set up wizard. Click Next to continue.
A warranty program code and description are required. Notes are optional. If an extended warranty is offered on top of the base warranty, put a check next to Extended Warranty Purchased. Click Next to continue.
The warranty coverage period can be defined using a period of time and an optional reading value. The warranty will expire when either threshold is reached (i.e. after 36 months or 100,000 miles, whichever comes first). Click OK to save the new warranty schedule.
Core Part SetupClicking on the core part number set up link opens a pop up window to either select an existing part as the core, or to create a new part as the core part linked to the main part. Fill out the form and click Link Core to add the core part linkage.
Add Inventory LineInventory Lines require a code and description.
Add Inventory ClassInventory Classes require a code and description.
Add Count CyclePhysical count cycles require a code and description.
Add Part Notes and Check Box OptionsNotes can be added and check boxes provide settings for whether negative on hand quantities are permitted (this will be greyed out if your corporation is set up with a negative on hand restriction), a return policy, location requirement, tax exempt status, and serial number settings and initialization.
Initialize Serial NumbersTo initialize serial numbers, a unique serial number needs to be linked to each on hand part in inventory. Click Add to input the serial numbers then click Initialize at the bottom of the screen.
Other settings are found on the right-hand side as links that can be clicked on to specify additional settings and features, including:
VMRS Restrictions
Each is outlined in detail in steps 18 - 23. -
VMRS Restrictions
A VMRS restriction will highlight a part in red when it is used on a repair order with a labour activity that does not match the selected VMRS codes. This serves as a reminder or warning for service technicians that they may be issuing the wrong part number for a job, or they may have selected the wrong VMRS code for the work they are doing.
Selected system codes are displayed in the pane in the right hand side. To add additional system code restrictions, select them from the allowed system codes list on the left and then click on the right arrow to move them to the selected code list. Selected codes can be removed by clicking on them and click on the arrow to move them to the left.
Click Next after adding all necessary system codes.
Repeat the same steps to add VMRS Assembly Codes. Click Finish to save the part VMRS settings. - Superseded
The pop up window displays the date the part was merged under the current part, along with the part number and its description. - Equivalents
Equivalent parts that can be used as a substitute are listed on this screen for reference. To add a part to the list, search for it in the Part # field, then click Add. - Barcodes
Vendor or manufacturer bar codes can be scanned and linked to the part on this screen. Using a barcode scanner, scan the UPC code and then enter the quantity of parts, and click Add. - Kit
Creating a kit is a reference for parts that are usually used together for a job. Search for a part number, enter a quantity, then click add to build a kit. - Features
Click Add to add additional part feature codes. -
Costs & Pricing Tab
Part cost and pricing settings can be viewed and edited under the Costs & Pricing tab. The screen has three major sections: Company Costs, Warehouse Costs and Overrides, and Catalog.
In the Company Costs section at the top, the part currency, costing method, and costs can be viewed and modified.
The Costing Method drop-down list can be used to change the part markup when added to repair orders or counter sales. This is set according to your EMDECS system defaults. Changing this value allows you to create an exception. The individual part will be marked up differently if the costing method is changed. The costing method options are:- Average: Part price is marked up based on the average cost of purchasing / receiving the selected part.
- Standard: Part price is marked up based on a standard cost. The part cost / price will not change over time.
- Last: Part price is marked up based on the last / most recent purchase cost of the part.
- Landed: Part price is marked up based on the last / most recent purchase of of the part and includes any added costs on the PO / receiving, such as freight fees.
Average Landed: Part price is marked up based on the average cost of purchasing / receiving parts and includes added costs, such as freight fees.Depending on the configuration of your EMDECS account, the system may markup parts based on your overall corporate cost or warehouse specific cost. For example, if you have cost by warehouse enabled, the part cost and markup price will be different for each inventory warehouse location. Repair shops in Houston and Austin would have different part prices based on location specific purchase costs. If you use our default corporate setting, your customers will pay the same price regardless of whether they buy the part in Houston or Austin. If you need to change your system configuration, please contact our customer experience team.
Exceptions and overrides to part contracts, for the individual part, can be made under the Warehouse Costs & Pricing, Override Contract Pricing, and Override Contract Pricing by Location subtabs.
Part catalogs can be added to specify different part numbers and costs from different suppliers. Adding a catalog part adds an additional purchase option for ordering parts outside of the preferred vendor. Click Add Catalog Part to add linked part numbers from a different vendor.
- Show Contract Pricing Button
The Show Contract Pricing button opens a pop up window to view part charges, or price, based on the location selected at the top. For example, if a customer named Possum Lodge is assigned to the parts markup code "LODGE," the price Possum Lodge is charged for the part will be $209.99, as pictured below: - Purchase History Button
Clicking on the Purchase History button opens a screen with purchase and receiving history. -
Override Contract Pricing Subtab
Contract pricing for the individual part can be overridden by opening the Override Contract Pricing tab and clicking on the Add Override link. -
Override Contract Pricing by Location Subtab
There is a location specific Add Override option under Override Contract Pricing by Location. -
Add Pricing Overrides
To add a price override, select a contact from the drop down list, currency, location (if applicable), effect date, and select whether it is based on a markup percent or price before entering the percentage or price. Click OK at the bottom when done to save the override. -
Add Catalog Part
Catalog parts added in the Catalog pane at the bottom of Costs & Pricing are identical parts from other vendors that use a different part number. (i.e. Vendor ACME Parts Inc. might sell an identical part with a different part vendor and different pricing).
To add catalog parts, click the Add Catalog Part link. In the pop-up window, enter the vendor's part number in the Catalog field, and then provide a description, currency, and unit of measure. The price and notes are optional fields The Convert to Stock value is also required and defaults to 1. Change this value if the part is ordered and received in multiples. For example, if the vendor sells the part in a package by the dozen, enter "12" in the Convert to Stock field. Each time the part is ordered and received, EMDECS will add six parts to your on hand inventory. -
Stock Availability Tab
Select the Stock Availability tab to view inventory on hand quantities and parts on other for each of your inventory warehouses. Part storage locations are also displayed and can be added by clicking on Part Location. - When specifying a part location, a store room, row number, shelf, and bin number may be entered along with notes.
Replenish Settings Tab
Part specific replenishment, or re-ordering settings, can be configured under the Replenish Settings tab.
Click the Add Replenish Stock link to set up auto replenishment settings for the part.
If different warehouses require different preferred vendors, click on the Vendor link to add a preferred vendor by location. -
The following options are available for configuring auto replenishment:
Warehouse: If applicable, select a warehouse from the drop-down list (auto-replenishment is warehouse specific and needs to be configured for each of your inventory warehouses).
Reorder Method: The following options can be selected from the drop-down list:
- No Order: The part will not be re-ordered
- 90-Day Trend: Ordered based on its usage over the last 90 days
- Min/Max - Orders are based on minimum and maximum stock level settings. Once the on hand quantity goes below the minimum, EMDECS will generate a reorder to restock up to the maximum on hand quantity. For example, if you have a min of 10 and a maximum of 20, once the on hand goes down to 9, EMDECS will suggest re-ordering 11 parts to restock up to the maximum of 20.
- Just-In-Time - Orders are derived from a formula that considers usage history and preferred supplier lead time to estimate when the part should be re-ordered so it arrives just in time to be used. This helps reduce on hand stock levels so you do not sit on excess inventory. For assistance in adjusting the just in time formula, please contact our customer experience team
Stock Level Min: The minimum on hand stock quantity when using Min/Max reordering. A re-order is triggered when the on hand quantity is below this number.
Max: This is the maximum stock level that should be kept on hand. Each time a re-order is generated, the system will re-order up to this maximum quantity.
Order Qty Min: This is the minimum number of parts included on an individual purchase order. This overrides the max setting above, in the event that individual orders have a quantity limit that is higher than the stock level maximum (for example, if the part is ordered in bundles of 12 but the max value is 10).
In Multiples of: Enter a number here if the part is received in multiples. For example, if the part can only be purchased in pairs of rwo, enter "2" in this field.
Order UOM: Select a unit of measure from the drop-down list, if the part is purchased in a unit of measure other than the part default.
Factor: The factor indicates the quantity of parts that corresponds with the Order UOM. For example, if the part is ordered by the gallon, but sold by the quart, enter 4 in the factor field.
Usage (12M Manual): This field allows you to enter a part usage code.
Notes: Optional free form notes field.
Consignment: Check this option only if the parts being re-ordered are the property of the vendor and do not count as an inventory asset. When generating a stock on hand value report, for example, you can specify whether or not to include consignment parts. -
Set Preferred Vendor by Location
To set different preferred vendors for your different shop locations, click the Vendor link in the Preferred Vendor by Location pane, fill in the fields shown below, and click OK to save:
Location: Type in the location or warehouse name, then select the location from the search results in the drop-down list.Vendor: Type in the preferred vendor for the selected location above.Effective Date: Defaulted to the current date and time. You can change the date and time if it should not take effect immediately. -
Pictures Tab
Pictures can be uploaded to display images of the part or its packaging. Open the Pictures tab then click Choose File to select a file to upload an image. -
Browse to the folder on your computer where the images are saved, select the file, and click Open.
The file name will be displayed. Click Upload to continue.
Repeat steps 39-41 to upload multiple images for the part. Use the horizontal scroll bar below the image(s) to scroll through multiple uploaded pictures.
History Tab
The History tab provides detailed part transaction history. The RO From and To date fields are required fields.
Use the radio buttons at the top to specify whether you want to see transactions based on RO Usage, RO Invoices, Profit & Loss, Purchases, Vendor Invoices, or All Transactions, then enter your search criteria. Click on the Refresh button to update the search results.
Use the Export button to download the search results to a spreadsheet file that can be opened using Microsoft Excel.