This article steps through how to create a parts purchase order, receive the parts, and invoice purchase orders.
Order Parts
- To create a parts purchase order, open the Parts menu and select Order Parts.
- Click on Order from Vendor
- After pressing Order from Vendor you'll need to select the vendor you're ordering parts from, once you've decided you can press Select
- After issuing the PO, a Purchase Order pop-up window lists the purchase order details. Each part is listed with its quantity and costs. These fields can be updated in the text fields before clicking Submit Order.
- If a part order is required for a repair order activity it can be linked. Click on the appropriate Link button next to the part. This will open a pop-up window where you can select an open repair order and then select a labour line.
Receive Parts
- To receive parts ordered from a PO, open the Parts menu and select Receive Parts.
- Click the Receive PO button next to the PO to be received.
- By default, all of the parts will be entered in the Receiving Qty column. Parts do not need to be received all at once. If only some parts have been received, change the receiving quantities to reflect the shipment being received. This ensures on hands inventory in EMDECS is accurate. Later, after more parts have been received, you can click Receive PO again to receive additional parts.
If there are added costs, such as freight charges, that need to be added to the receiving, you can click on the dollar amount next to the added cost to add additional charges, such as Freight. In this tutorial, added costs will be applied during the invoicing step. If you are not ready to invoice the Purchase Order, added costs need to be applied from the AP Invoices screen outlined in the Invoice Purchase Orders section. - In the example below, two of the parts have been set to a 0 quantity. Only the 2 transmission parts are being received
- Click OK to complete the receiving. If you are not ready to invoice the PO, leave the Invoice Number field blank, and click Receive PO.
Invoice Purchase Orders
- When ready to invoice purchase orders, open the Parts menu and select AP Invoices.
- Search for the vendor and select it from the list on the left. The list on the right will be refreshed and display all outstanding invoices for the vendor.
- A single invoice can be applied to one purchase order or many purchase orders. Put a check next to the purchase orders to invoice, and then slick on the Process Invoice button.
- A pop-up window displays all of the parts from the selected purchase orders with their quantities and costs. Ensure that the the Invoice# and Invoice Date fields are completed. If the part costs changed from the original purchase order, update them in the Unit Cost column.
- For added costs, such as freight, click on the 0.00 hyperlink next to Added Cost. In the pop-up window, click the green plus next to the appropriate cost, then enter the dollar amount and click Save.
- Click Process Invoice at the bottom of the AP Invoice screen to finalize and close the invoice.