This article will detail the use of the PM Inspection History tab, the PM Inspection Setup tab and the PM Schedule Setup tab. It will also demonstrate how to add a PM Schedule to a Unit.
PM Inspection History
This is the first tab that displays when opening the PM Inspection Manager. By default, this screen will show any PM Inspections performed within the last 7 days, as well as the defects and repairs. The Print button at the end of the line will allow you to render the Inspection.
PM Inspection Setup
To ensure that certain items are checked during the scheduled PM, a checklist can be created for the Technicians to follow. The RO can not be moved t
o the next status until the checklist is complete.
*Admins must complete the Inspection Form if one is attached to the PM when creating work orders through Complete RO
There is no limit to the amount of Inspection Forms that you can create. They are also able to be Revised at any time.
You are only able to delete form revisions or brand new inspections. Once an inspection has been performed, it can no longer be removed from EMDECS due to child records.
To create a new Inspection
Click +Add to have the wizard appear. Enter a Code and Description for the Inspection Form. The Task and Reason for the checklist can be hardcoded from here.
After pressing Next, a blank inspection form will appear
Select +Add New Section to begin. Enter a Category name for the section
The line will appear on the form. Click on Add to start linking VMRS codes to this section
Only the available list of VMRS codes will be available to choose from. Edit the description to note what needs to be verified during the inspection
More than one VMRS can be added at a time. When ready, select Add
The VMRS codes will be listed under the Category heading
Continue to create the Inspection Form, adding new Categories when needed
Resequencing VMRS codes
If the VMRS code was added in the wrong spot, the arrows on the right-hand side will allow them to be moved
When ready, click on Next.
Signature Requirements
*You can also choose to skip this step if you do not want a declaration printed on the Inspection Form.
Signatures can be set on the Inspection form for two instances.
1 - Failed Inspection Items are Repaired
2 - Completion of Inspection Form
You can choose to set a Signature requirement for both instances or one. Selecting Add will produce new Signature Requirement lines
The Signature Label is a Blank Text Box - this means that the box will accept any text as it does not link to a User. You can enter a job title, role, or a specific name.
*If a Manager or Supervisor signature is required for the Form, the Tech would need to have the Inspection signed to complete the Form before they're able to Unit Ready. The Form will not be sent to another User for review
Select Next to continue
Attach To Service
The Attach to Service screen allows you to set the triggers for the Inspection Form. It can be assigned to a VMRS code as well as specific Customer/Maintenance Groups
To Assign to VMRS Code
Press Select to populate a list of VMRS codes broken down by System and Assembly. Choose one to tie the form to
*If a suitable code does not exist, one can be made by going to Administration-> VMRS Icon Manager
The chosen VMRS code will be shown on Screen. The red X will remove the link if needed.
To Tie to a Specific Customer/Maintenance Group
Click Add to view the PM Schedule Groups by Customer. If the Customer is not listed, then a PM Schedule has not been created for any Unit under that Customer. Select the Maintenance Group to add to the Inspection form trigger.
Select Activate Inspection when done.
PM Schedule Setup
The Schedule Setup page is broken into 3 Parts:
1 - Customers with PM Schedules: This is the list of customers who currently have a PM schedule. The search can be used to find a specific customer in the list
2 - Maintenance Groups: This populates based off the Customer chosen in box 1. Only the available Groups for that Customer will be displayed. Existing Schedules can be copied to a New Customer, or a new one can be created using +Add
3 - Maintenance Schedules: This displays the current schedule set per VMRS code as well as any extra Included Services tied to the PM. Time-based schedules are listed with the VMRS code; if a Reading-based schedule is used instead, it will be listed below.
Adding a new Schedule (including new Customer)
Maintenance Schedule Groups
If the Maintenance Group does not exist yet that you will need for the Customer, start by creating one under the Things to Do menu
Selecting Customer and Group
Click on +Add to start a Schedule for a New Customer. Enter the Customer and select the name of the Group you will assign the Schedule to.
PM Maintenance Schedule Setup Wizard will change to show 3 Tabs: VMRS, Time Interval and Reading Interval. Belongs To and Maintenance Schedule Group are now hardcoded and can not be changed.
Enter the VMRS codes for the desired service. To create a Repeating Schedule, enter the same VMRS under the Next Service.
To create an Alternating Schedule, set the Next Service as a different VMRS code
*A secondary schedule would need to be created to complete the Alternating Schedule in EMDECS.
Intervals (Time or Reading)
Enter either Time or Reading Intervals - even though both show required information, as long as one of these pages are filled out, the schedule can be finalized.
If using the Time Interval, choose either Months or Days when entering numbers. These columns can not be combined - it would depend on the interval and tolerance needed for the Service to know which Column to use. First Service is used to help the system distinguish when the Schedule should commence.
IE: A service is to take place every 3 months with a tolerance of 7 days. This would be entered using the Days column by converting 3 months to 90 days to allow the tolerance to be calculated in the schedule.
The choice can be made whether the dates for the Schedule are based on the Completed or RO dates.
RO date is when the RO is started and can be manually changed.
Completed date is system set and appears after Invoicing or Closing an RO. This number also changes automatically if the RO is reopened at any point and can cause the schedule to be recalculated.
If choosing to go by Reading, skip to the next page.
Select the Reading Type from the dropdown; the UOM (unit of measure) will populate automatically to match if set for the company. Enter the Reading Interval, Tolerance, and First Service. When ready, press Add to have the information populate below.
Press Finish to save the Schedule and close the Wizard.
The system will display the new Schedule
Adding Groups/Schedules to Existing Customers
Select the Customer in the list. All Maintenance Groups and Schedules will be listed.
To add existing Maintenance Schedule (Copy Schedule function)
If the Schedule Setup already exists, find the Customer you will be taking the schedule from in the list. Once the correct Maintenance Group is populated, select Copy Schedules. A pop-up will ask which of the Schedules should be copied to which customers.
Maintenance Schedules
Multiple Schedules can be made under the same Maintenance Groups. Select +Add to open the PM Maintenance Schedule Setup Wizard- there are 3 Tabs: VMRS, Time Interval and Reading Interval. Belongs To and Maintenance Schedule Group are now hardcoded and can not be changed. .
Enter the VMRS codes for the desired service. To create a Repeating Schedule, enter the same VMRS under the Next Service.
To create an Alternating Schedule, set the Next Service as a different VMRS code
*A secondary schedule would need to be created to complete the Alternating Schedule in EMDECS.
Intervals (Time or Reading)
Enter either Time or Reading Intervals - even though both show required information, as long as one of these pages are filled out, the schedule can be finalized.
If using the Time Interval, choose either Months or Days when entering numbers. These columns can not be combined - it would depend on the interval and tolerance needed for the Service to know which Column to use. First Service is used to help the system distinguish when the Schedule should commence.
IE: A service is to take place every 3 months with a tolerance of 7 days. This would be entered using the Days column by converting 3 months to 90 days to allow the tolerance to be calculated in the schedule.
The choice can be made whether the dates for the Schedule are based on the Completed or RO dates.
RO date is when the RO is started and can be manually changed.
Completed date is system set and appears after Invoicing or Closing an RO. This number also changes automatically if the RO is reopened at any point and can cause the schedule to be recalculated.
If choosing to go by Reading, skip to the next page.
Select the Reading Type from the dropdown; the UOM (unit of measure) will populate automatically to match if set for the company. Enter the Reading Interval, Tolerance, and First Service. When ready, press Add to have the information populate below.
Press Finish to save the Schedule and close the Wizard.
Adding a PM Schedule to a Unit
Go to Unit-> Unit Master and search for the Customer or Unit. Select More Info to open the Unit
Select one of the Maintenance Groups to assign to the Unit from the Specifications tab. Only Groups with Schedules for that Customer will appear in the drop-down.
Press Save/Exit for changes to take effect.
The At-a-Glance window now displays the Next PM Due
Select More Info->PM to see all PM information for the Unit.