Release Notes for the EMDECS May 2024 Update

Updated as of: Monday, June 3rd - 10:36 AM ET

Ticket Description
E3-1561 Fixed an issue with the Accounting Periods screen where, once a period had begin and end dates set they could not be edited.
E3-1672 Changed the Service Board’s refreshing behavior so that it does not refresh and lose your place when opening the Work Required for a unit and then closing it.
E3-1681 Fixed an issue where, when using the CUSTOM1145 and LETTERHEAD invoice formats to print multiple copies of invoices, the headers set up to distinguish between the copies would not be shown.
E3-1682 Updated the Rental Equipment Utilization report’s parameters to better distinguish between units that are Available/Unavailable and those that are Currently Rented/Not Rented.

Changed the following screens to make it harder to accidentally deactivate items on them:

  • Administration > Standard Codes > Equipment >  Make/Model 
  • Administration > Standard Codes > Equipment >  Features/Values
  • Administration > Standard Codes > Equipment > Maintenance Groups
  • Administration > Standard Codes > Parts > Product Groups

Readings entered on a PM Inspection will now appear as a reading for the equipment itself. This will no longer only be for reference and will be counted as any other reading normally would. 


Added a “Resequence” button to the repair order screen which allows you to change the order of parts within the repair order. These changes will also be reflected in the customer proof.

Note: You must use the Resequence button to have the part display order reflected on the Customer Proof.

Sorting Columns by Ascending/Descending without using the resequence button will not reflect on the printed proof

E3-1705 Fixed an issue with the WIP POs screen where, if the total of all quantities of a partially received PO coincidentally matched the total of all quantities in the underlying PO, the button to mark it as a partial received would not display.
E3-I1730 Fixed the Repair Order report to better accommodate long unit owner names.
E3-I1732 A new report has been added, Customer Email Invoice Set Export in the Charge Out Repairs category, which lists customers who get invoices by email automatically and can also show customers who are not set up forthis functionality.
E3-I735 Added a new system parameter WO_SUBLET_DATETYPE that sets the date shown on Work Order Sublet POs to the PO Date, but also allows it to be set to the Sublet Repair Order Date instead. If you would like your work order sublet POs to show the sublet repair order date, please contact BrightOrder Customer Support.
E3-1745 Updated the following reports so that they can now include currently clocked on time (if they did not do so already) and indirect time:

Employee Hours Profit and Loss
Employee Hours Profit and Loss Export
Employee Timesheet Export
Employee Timesheet Summary by Date


Updated the following history export reports (accessed via Fleet > History) so that they use XLSX format instead of XLS, allowing for exports that are longer than the upper limit of XLS format (65,536 records). The new upper limit is now 1,048,576 records:

  • Repair History
  • Labour History
  • Parts Usage History
  • Repair Estimate History

Fixed an issue with incorrect non-taxable sales total values being incorrect in the Sales Tax Liability Cash Basis report.


Made three changes to the Customer > Invoice to Customer functionality:

When more than one Invoice to Customer was set up, clicking on one to edit its details would only show the data for the first one set up. The correct customer is now shown.
When voiding an entry here, the system would continue invoicing to that customer if it was set as the default before voiding. This has been corrected.
It is no longer possible to set this up with an effective date in the future.


Resolved an issue where users experienced an error message when moving between the TechRO and the Issue Parts to RO screen. 

E3-1822 Added a search field to the Fleet -> Telematics Manager -> Import Readings tab.
E3-1828 Changed the Parts Details button in Complete RO’s work order details and work order sublet screens to one named View Parts, which opens all parts in a popup. This circumvents an issue with Parts Charges not being consistently editable in Chrome browser.
E3-1829 Added a “Days Back” parameter to the RO Work in Progress report so that it produces more useful information when run on a scheduled basis.
E3-1839 Fixed an issue with an error that would prevent part labels from being printed in a Physical Count where the warehouse was undefined.
E3-1844 Fixed an issue with the export to Sage 50 Quantum functionality where, when the PST was set to 0% a spurious PST value would be sent instead.