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- Integrations
Setup Integration with C.H. Robinson (CHR) through Descartes MacroPoint
To provide C.H. Robinson (CHR) with access to your CloudHawk data, CloudHawk will need to provide access to CHR's data broker, Descartes MacroPoint.
To get started, contact CloudHawk Support and ask our team to grant Descartes MacroPoint access to your data. Once this is done, all you need to do to grant CHR access to track your loads, is visit the link below and follow the instructions from MacroPoint.
Carrier Self Service On-Boarding (macropoint-lite.com)
If you encounter any issues completing the setup on the MacroPoint website, please
reach out to mpbrokeractivations@descartes.com for assistance as CloudHawk
cannot troubleshoot issues with CHR or MacroPoint systems.