Sublets in EMDECS

This article will explain how to create Sublets in EMDECS

Creating an RO


Service-> Complete RO-> + New RO


Find the Unit to enter the work on. 

The Search Bar will search by Owner, Unit#, Vin, Serial Number or License Plate. Use the Advanced Search to utilise a combination of search terms.


If any of the work is being done in shop, enter this information under the Labour and Parts tab. To enter the Sublet work, click on the Purchasing tab. To create a new PO, click on +New Purchase Order


Using the Dropdown, select Repair Shop PO (Sublet PO) and search for your Vendor. Press Select


To Add Labour to a Sublet


Click +Add Labour and select the appropriate VMRS codes.  When finished, click Add


Charges can be fixed either through the pop-up or the main Sublet screen


To Add Parts to a Sublet


Parts must always be attached to a Labour Line on Repair Orders.  Press Select Labour in order to choose from any available labour on the RO


The Labour will now show. Enter your Part # - the Part must exist in Part Master whether you stock it or not to use on an RO. Use the +New Part button to create the Part in EMDECS.


Enter the Quantity and the Sublet Amount

When ready, click on Add Part



Finalizing the Sublet


Ensure that all costs are filled out and that the PO total in EMDECS matches the total from your Vendor


Sublets that are $0 can not be processed. The Invoice button will not appear on the Sublet until there is a PO Total.



If everything is correct, click on <RO#__________________ to return to the RO



Invoicing the Sublet


The Invoice button can now be seen either under the Purchasing Tab


Or on the Sublet itself. Click on the PO# to view the Sublet


Once the Sublet is Invoiced, if no other work is to be added, the RO can be invoiced as well. Alternatively, the RO can be Closed instead if no Invoice is needed.