Upload / Update Parts by Importing from a File

In EMDECS, you have to option to upload and update parts in bulk. This is helpful when you could like to add missing information or change current information associated with a part. 

There are three import tabs / screens in EMDECS for uploading or updating parts. 
1. Import Parts (useful for bulk uploading new parts or part information updates)
2. Import Part Onhands (useful for tracking current onhand inventory)
3. Import Parts Location Details (useful for tracking part locations within a warehouse)
To find these tabs, please navigate to: 
Parts Menu > Part Master > then click on the Import Parts Import Parts Onhands , or Import Parts Location Details tab. 
Each screen has a Download Template button at the top and buttons to Browse for and Import your prepared data file.
The import templates can be edited in Microsoft Excel.  When adding new parts, the bold columns are required.  All other fields are optional.  Existing parts can be updated by just entering the item code and filling in the columns that need to be updated in your EMDECS system.
The Import Parts tab is intended for uploading or updating your parts list in EMDECS and also contains fields for updating company costs, retail prices, setting the costing method, and item markup groups.  The Import Parts On hands template can be used to upload an on hand count of existing parts, and the Import Parts Location Details tab can be used to upload warehouse storage locations and costs for each warehouse.
If you have multiple inventory warehouses and have cost by warehouse enabled, warehouse specific part costs and retail prices must to be uploaded using the parts location details template.  It contains a warehouse code field so you can upload parts with warehouse specific costs.